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Their stories, Pears points out, aren17;t much different than most other people who practice yoga.Allow Sting and his wife, Trudie Styler, to explain themselves in Yoga Journal16;s exclusive interview.It sounds like a creative solution that benefits everyone11;especially the people who live in the apartment building or work in the neighborhood!Yoga studios in Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Oregon will also be hosting events throughout the month and donating their proceeds to the Somaly Mam Foundation.He went on to say that yoga
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m. and 2-3:30 p.A study recently published in the journal Occupational Medicine found that yoga in the workplace reduced employee stress and eased back pain.Eisenhower Army Medical Center Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Center are being treated for, says program director Dr,J.C. Penney isn17;t the first retailer to offer yoga classes to bring in customers.on a couple of Sundays in August
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